Marvel Shows Thrive Amidst Strike Due to Lack of Having Writers in the First Place

Written by Disgruntled Plumber - Saturday, Aug 19, 2023 at 3:06pm

A poster image for Secret Invation, a TV show on Disney Plus by Marvel Studios

In a shocking turn of events, Disney+ Marvel shows have emerged as the unlikely victors of the ongoing 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike, all thanks to a peculiar decision to forego hiring writers altogether. As the strike stretches on, fans and industry insiders alike are scratching their heads in bewilderment, wondering how these superhero stories are managing to captivate audiences without those pesky things called "scripts."

Marvel, known for its intricate and well-crafted narratives, seems to have taken a page out of the "winging it" playbook. In a press release, the studio proudly declared, "Who needs writers when you have charismatic actors, flashy CGI, and an endless supply of spandex-clad heroes? We're pioneering a new era of improv-driven entertainment!"

Gone are the days of meticulously planned story arcs and character development. Instead, the actors have been encouraged to let their creative juices flow, ad-libbing lines and plot twists on the fly. This has led to some truly unforgettable moments, such as Daredevil delivering an impassioned monologue about the importance of flossing during a heated battle with Kingpin.

Industry insiders have speculated that Marvel's daring approach might just be the remedy the entertainment industry needs. One unnamed executive gushed, "Why waste time and money on hiring those temperamental writers when the actors can just make things up as they go? It's like a real-life game of Dungeons and Dragons, but with more explosions!"

The SAG-AFTRA strike, which began as a demand for fair wages and better working conditions, has inadvertently turned into an experimental playground for unscripted storytelling. Fans have flocked to social media to share their delight over the sheer unpredictability of each episode. One tweet read, "I never thought I'd see the day when Nick Fury starts a jazz band in the middle of a battle. Bravo, Marvel!"

Critics, however, remain divided. Some hail the unscripted chaos as a breath of fresh air in an industry oversaturated with formulaic narratives. Others are concerned that this approach might spell disaster for character consistency, plot coherence, and, well, coherent dialogue.

Amidst the unconventional storytelling, some of the actors have found themselves in unexpected roles. Tom Hiddleston, the star of Loki Season 2, has now taken on the additional role of a janitor for the set. "It's all part of the creative process," he reportedly said while mopping the floor in costume.

As the strike rages on, Disney+ Marvel shows continue to captivate audiences with their improvisational antics. Will the Hulk discover a hidden talent for stand-up comedy? Can Captain America's shield double as a makeshift pizza cutter? Only time will tell, but one thing is for certain: the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike has forever changed the way we look at superhero storytelling – for better or for worse.

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